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Swift Shipping: Rapid Deliveries By Ground Or Air

Whether you're shipping across the continent or just over state lines, Expedited Freight Carriers has your back.

As a rapid delivery service with both ground and air expertise, ExpeditedFreightCarriers.com is perfectly suited to handle every variety of shipment. Between our swift freight vehicles, our qualified drivers, and our close relationships with cargo airlines, we can complete deliveries over any distance at a moment’s notice. Whenever you’re in a shipping jam, you can trust us to get you out of it.

The Critical Role of Expedited Carrier Services

Expedited Freight Carriers No company should limit their shipping to standard services. While traditional trucking and scheduled air freight meet your needs most of the time, there are some situations where these options come up short. Say a client places an unreasonable delivery request but offers the pay to make it worthwhile? You’ll need expedited freight carriers to take advantage of this opportunity and maintain your relationship with that client.

ExpeditedFreightCarriers.com helps you make the most of such opportunities. We offer expedited freight shipments for clients in all major industries, having worked with manufacturers, construction companies, and firms in countless other fields. For deliveries that have to cross long distances overnight, we can coordinate air charters. For those that are closer to the destination or have longer deadlines, we offer safe, efficient trucking in vehicles that fit your order size precisely. Whatever the nature of the delivery, we know how to ship your goods on time and in pristine condition.

Full Freight Service from ExpeditedFreightCarriers.com

ExpeditedFreightCarriers.com offers quality results on all fronts. To this end, we give you:

  • Access to a customer support team at all hours, who answer your questions and offer updates from a single source
  • Drivers and coordinators with both the technical training and the practical experience to handle critical freight in all forms
  • A fleet of trucks and close relationships with cargo airlines, letting us carry your goods easily by air or ground
  • Both unscheduled service to meet sudden needs and scheduled transportation for more regular requirements
  • Comprehensive deliveries that leave no gaps along the route
  • Prices available in multiple tiers so that you don’t struggle to meet your budget

Premium Trucks to Carry Your Goods Swiftly & Safely

Expedited Carrier Trucks ExpeditedFreightBroker.com has invested in the most effective tracking methods on the market. This enhances our service on multiple fronts, including through:

ExpeditedFreightCarriers.com offers dedicated deliveries, meaning we devote a single vehicle to handle nothing but your orders. Not only is this useful for ground transportation, but it also helps to get your goods to the airport for air charter deliveries. Our vehicles include:

  • Cargo vans that can hold between 2,000 and 3,000 pounds
  • Straight trucks of various sizes, with the largest able to hold as much as 12,500 pounds
  • Tractor trailers that can carry as much as 44,000 pounds

Each of our vehicles is subject to regular inspections, repairs, and upgrades. We also track them throughout their journey, allowing us to update you on their progress and take quick action to ensure speedy, safe shipping. We provide the same devotion during air shipments, maintaining close contact with cargo airlines and tracking your orders en route. For more information or to obtain a free quote, contact ExpeditedFreightCarriers.com today.