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Fast & Flexible: Ground & Air Solutions From ExpeditedFreightService.com

Whether by land or by sky, ExpeditedFreightService.com is always available to deliver your order safely on or ahead of the deadline.

Flexibility is the key to shipping success, and ExpeditedFreightService.com can switch with ease between a wide range of possibilities for safe, swift shipping. Not only do we operate by both ground and air, but we take advantage of chartered services and widespread coverage to further expand your options. Armed with this vast array of resources, we have no trouble shipping any variety of critical goods under any circumstances.

Fostering Flexibility in Expedited Freight Services

Expedited Freight Service Few factors matter more for business success than flexibility, and this is particularly true when it comes to providing expedited freight service. An expedited freight company has to respond to a myriad of different shipping challenges and emergencies, each of which require crossing different distances on different deadlines. In order to give clients as many options as possible, such companies must offer both expedited trucking services and emergency air freight options. Only then can they cover distances large and small efficiently and affordably.

ExpeditedFreightService.com offers just such a flexible model of deliveries. Our coverage network includes both ground vehicles as well as airline partners, allowing us to quickly begin shipping by either land or air. We are also happy to combine these two services, transporting your goods by ground from their starting point to the airport and then by air the rest of the way. Whether your deadline is later on the following day, the following morning, or even this day, we are equipped to meet it.

Extensive Expedited Freight Options for Every Client

As an expedited freight service, we promise you:

  • Support from a team of critical freight experts who have the experience and training to handle perishable goods safely
  • A broad selection of ground and air shipping options that you can order individually or in tandem
  • A range of pricing tiers for both air and ground service so that your budget is never an obstacle
  • Attention to your goods from the second they leave your starting point all the way to the final destination

Fostering Freight Flexibility by Land & Sky

Not only does ExpeditedFreightService.com let you choose between ground and air deliveries, but we offer further flexibility for each choice. When you ship by air, we allow you to pick between scheduling space on a standard flight and chartering a new flight to handle your items alone. We also offer you regular updates on your flight’s position so that you can be ready to receive your goods whenever they arrive.

If you opt for ground deliveries, our coverage network extends through all major North American states and provinces. This means we will have a driver ready to go in close proximity to your starting point, and because all our expedited trucking services are dedicated, they won’t have to deliver anything else before they get to you. No matter how your needs shipping change, we will always be there to meet them.

Expedited Freight Flexibility

For more information on flexible expedited freight, call or visit ExpeditedFreightService.com today.