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Specialized Shipping Services: Experienced Ground Solutions From TransportationSpecialist.com

Rapid ground shipping solutions for clients from any industry, on any deadline, and over any route.

TransportationSpecialist.com offers an experienced approach to expedited freight. As a transportation specialist that has served dozens of different industries, we know every manner of problem that can arise during a delivery. Our team plans ahead to solve these problems, finding routes that present little risk of delay and using advanced tracking to make sure everything goes according to plan. Along with our efforts to keep your goods safe, this ensures quality solutions for all of our clients.

Why Transportation Specialists are Essential for Expedited Freight

Transportation Specialist When it comes to shipping your goods by land, nothing counts more than experience. Only a carrier that has served hundreds of clients across multiple fields can develop the specialized knowledge necessary to:

  • Avoid Delays - The more experience a transportation specialist has, the easier is for them to anticipate likely delays along your route and come up with contingency plans.
  • Select the Best Route - In general, the best shipping route is the shortest, but there are plenty of exceptions based on speed limits, safety hazards, road work, and other factors. An experienced transportation specialist knows how to adjust for all of these factors and find the quickest route.
  • Keep Your Goods Safe - Each type of cargo has unique safety and preservation needs. Only a true expedited freight expert will be able to identify these needs ahead of time and make sure they are met.

TransportationSpecialist.com has the specialized knowledge necessary to handle any delivery job successfully. We have more than a decade of experience serving hundreds of clients, including companies in the construction, energy, chemical, and manufacturing industries. By offering you the full benefit of our experience on every shipping job, we keep your company operating smoothly under all circumstances.

Convenient & Comprehensive Expedited Freight Services

We offer an array of quality services to all of our clients, including:

  • Critical freight expertise that we apply on all jobs, allowing us to determine exactly how to ship your cargo safely
  • A centralized customer support office that is available at all hours of the day to answer questions and offer updates
  • An experienced approach that lets us find a shipping solution that meets your unique needs as a company
  • A network of vehicles and coverage that extends across every state and province in the United States and Canada

How Advanced Tracking Aids TransportationSpecialist.com

Not only does TransportationSpecialist.com plan all of your deliveries out carefully, but we invest in the latest tracking equipment to make sure those deliveries stay on schedule. At the first sign of a delay, we will find an alternative route and guide our truck toward it. Likewise, if one of our vehicles breaks down, we will know immediately that we need to dispatch another one to pick up your goods and continue the delivery. In this way, we keep delays to a minimum and ensure that your cargo stays safe.

Transportation Specialist Tracking

For more information on our expedited shipping services or to request a free quote, call or visit our website today.