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Swift Delivery Solutions: Expedited Trucking Services From TruckingExpedited.com

Quick and reliable expedited trucking options for all goods from any industry.

An expedited trucking company must be both flexible and fast, and TruckingExpedited.com upholds both these values with flying colors. We maintain a network of premium shipping vehicles at strategic sites across the continent, and have the expertise to handle all types of critical freight. No matter what kind of shipping emergency you are facing, you can always count on us to give your goods the care they deserve.

The Makings of Excellence in Expedited Freight

Trucking Expedited

Expedited trucking has the potential to save your company from devastating losses, but providing it isn’t a simple matter. An expedited trucking company must meet many different conditions in order to truly enhance its clients’ operations, including:

  • Sufficient Speed- Expedited trucking companies have to make deliveries on incredibly tight deadlines. Some clients need their items shipped on the same day they place the order, and even relatively lax expedited freight deadlines have to be completed overnight or by the end of the next day.
  • Carrying Capacity- An expedited trucking company must send a vehicle with enough space to store all of its clients’ goods, but not so much space as to charge clients for excess room. This balancing act requires keeping a large number of vehicles on hand and carefully matching those vehicles to each client.
  • Storage Specialization- Not all goods can simply be placed in a truck and shipped out. Fragile or perishable goods often need to be stored with specialized equipment or they will not survive the trip. A successful urgent freight company must keep all this equipment on hand.

In providing expedited trucking services, TruckingExpedited.com meets each of these conditions and more. We spare no effort or expense to keep your items safe while delivering them on time, all while keeping our prices flexible and affordable. With years of experience serving clients across an array of industries, we are prepared to handle any and all shipping situations.

Striving for Success in Expedited Shipping

In order to maximize the value of our services, TruckingExpedited.com offers:

  • A dedicated customer service team that tracks your orders and offers updates 24 hours a day, all week long
  • Hybrid air and ground services for both ordinary, scheduled deliveries and emergency shipments
  • A network of trucks and vans in key locations across both Canada and the United States
  • A variety of premium shipping packages, each at a different price, to meet your needs and budget

Varying our Vehicles to Serve You Specifically

In addition to keeping our shipping vehicles in strategic locations, TruckingExpedited.com also maintains multiple different types of vehicles in our delivery fleet. These include:

  • Cargo Vans- Designed for relatively small shipments, these hold between 2,000 and 3,000 pounds of shipping goods.
  • Straight Trucks- Ideal for standard LTL and full truckload expedited trucking services, we can load up to 12,500 pounds into these vehicles.
  • Tractor Trailers- The largest members of our fleet, these trucks hold up to 44,000 pounds of cargo.
Expedited Trucking Vehicles

For more information on the secrets to and benefits of expedited trucking, contact TruckingExpedited.com today.