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From its renowned universities to its beautiful environment to its growing fame as a center of electric car production, Eugene, Oregon seems to have it all.

This city attracts students, workers and visitors from across the country, bringing in a constant flow of new ideas, wealth, and businesses. ExpeditedFreight.com adds rapid, reliable logistics to this mix. As an express freight company with coverage all over the United States, we make sure the people and businesses of Oregon have all the supplies they need to succeed. Along with our delivery services to send out finished goods, this ensures that the city can continue to thrive.

Expedited Delivery Services in Eugene, Oregon

Expedited Freight Eugene

Of all its successes and claims to fame, Eugene is perhaps most famous as a center of electric car component production. Benefiting from the many quality schools and other resources in the area, local manufacturers are building the parts necessary to end our dependence on oil and introduce a new type of transportation.

But to make these components, Eugene needs to obtain supplies from all over the country. This means shipping in items from thousands of miles away quickly enough to meet manufacturers' tough production schedules, all while keeping those parts in good condition on the way.

Call (503) 573-8000

Operating in Eugene proper and in connected communities like Bend, Corvalis, Salem, and Albany, we offer quality results to all our customers, which means we maximize:

  • Speed- ExpeditedFreight.com never makes you wait for parts longer than necessary. Whether you’re shipping in electric car component supplies or any other type of item, we find the most reliable route into Eugene and follow it without hesitation. Likewise, if you need to ship something out of Eugene, we’ll find the best route to your destination and complete the delivery without delay.
  • Safety- For something as critical as an electric car component, road damage is unacceptable. Thus whether we’re shipping into or out of Eugene, we keep your items secure the entire way. We outfit each vehicle with quality storage equipment, which prevents physical damage while maintaining the ideal temperature and other conditions. We also make our drivers work in teams of two, so that each individual has a chance to rest along the way. Through these and other precautions, we make sure any item you’re shipping arrives without a scratch on it.
  • Reliability- By planning our routes carefully and tracking each vehicle along the way, we can catch sources of delay whenever they arise and guide our drivers around them. This way, not only do we deliver quickly, but we maintain consistent levels of speed for each delivery, so you always know exactly when to expect your items.
  • Customer Service- Whether you have a question, want a quote, or would simply like to know the location of a current shipment, we’re happy to oblige you. Just give us a call at (800) 704-0828 and our customer service team will tell you everything you want to know.

ExpeditedFreight.com | Eugene, OR

Expedited Freight Eugene Oregon

To learn more about our expedited shipping services, visit ExpeditedFreight.com today.

Call (503) 573-8000

Expedited Freight Locations for Oregon: