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Known to many as “Titletown” thanks to its many football victories, Green Bay, Wisconsin excels at more than sports.

The city is also a major economic hub for the Midwest, with thriving industries that include manufacturing, healthcare, packaging, and entertainment. ExpeditedFreight.com helps these industries and all other Green Bay businesses stay at the forefront of success. Our expedited freight services allow clients to get the supplies they need without hesitation and with minimal risk of road damage. In this way, we let one of the nation’s most vibrant cities continue to grow and thrive.

Express Freight Solutions in Green Bay, Wisconsin

Expedited Freight Green Bay Green Bay’s continued success depends on its access to reliable, rapid logistics. Take the town’s automotive sector. Green Bay has been at the forefront of a recent renewal in Wisconsin’s automotive industry, having unveiled the City Stadium Automotive center and other critical training and production facilities. But if the city is to build on this success, it needs to bring in auto supplies on a regular basis, and that’s easier said than done.

Many of these supplies are only available in distant states, meaning they need to be shipped thousands of miles on tight schedules. And they cannot be even slightly damaged on the way, for the sake of drivers’ safety. Thus if Green Bay is to succeed, it must find carriers that can travel quickly without damaging their cargo.

ExpeditedFreight.com is just such a carrier. Operating in Green Bay, Kimberly, De Pere, Oshkosh, Neenah, Mantiwoc, and Appleton, we provide rapid deliveries on reliable schedules.

Call (414) 973-8000

We can get your goods from start to finish without delays, and without undergoing any serious risks. To accomplish this, we invest in:

  • Shipping Equipment - Automotive supplies must be carefully packed and stored during shipping, lest they become cracked or broken from jostling around. We invest in the most advanced storage equipment so no harm comes to your goods. By tailoring the equipment we use to the specific items you need us to transport, we keep damage to a minimum on even the bumpiest roads, so that every part you order arrives in pristine condition.
  • Quality Plans & Drivers - Besides using advanced equipment to protect your items from bumpy roads, we avoid those roads whenever possible. Our planning staff maps out multiple alternative routes to each destination, selecting the one with the best roads and the lowest risk of disruption from traffic and weather. We then send out a team of two drivers to head for your destination; both drivers are highly trained and careful, and take turns so that each has a chance to rest. Through these precautions, we keep the risk of damage or delay to a minimum, delivering each item on time and intact.
  • Advanced Tracking - We use cutting-edge tracking equipment to monitor your items while they are on the way. Whenever a source of danger or delay arises, we contact the drivers and let them know, so they can keep your goods safe and on schedule.

ExpeditedFreight.com | Green Bay, WI

Expedited Freight Green Bay Wisconsin

For more information or a free quote on our trucking services, call ExpeditedFreight.com today.

Call (414) 973-8000

Expedited Freight Locations for Wisconsin: