With a city population of more than 200,000 and a metropolitan population of over a million, Rochester is one of the largest metropolises in Western New York. The town benefits from its strategic location, linking together the Northeast Corridor and the Midwest. This location has allowed it to attract a wealth of booming industries: first food processing and heavy manufacturing, and more recently high technology and engineering. Rochester’s dynamic nature and ability to shift from industry to industry has kept it prosperous for generations while powering Western New York’s economy.
ExpeditedFreight.com seeks to keep this dynamism going. As an emergency shipping expert with a long history in Western New York, we have the skills and resources to overcome even the most difficult shipping mishaps. Through safety, courtesy, foresight, and local knowledge, we can chart rapid, reliable paths from even the most distant supply points, allowing Rochester to get all the supplies it needs without delay.
Any town with such a cornucopia of booming industries is bound to face shipping difficulties, and Rochester is no exception. The city’s businesses rely on supplies that are rare and difficult to produce, and that have to be brought in from distant corners of the country or even from abroad. Obtaining these supplies is no easy feat, and the more companies in Rochester want them, the more local roads will be clogged with trucks trying to bring them in. The result is serious, frequent congestion, such that even the most prudent, forward-thinking businesses can’t find a way to get their orders in on time.
ExpeditedFreight.com provides a way. We’re no strangers to congestion, but through careful planning, we can avoid the worst of it and keep your deliveries on time. Our strategy starts with getting to know the roads, both locally and all the way to your destination. By comparing different possible routes, we’re able to assess all the factors that affect delivery times. These include not just physical distance, but also the quality of the pavement, seasonal weather, and, of course, traffic patterns. We weigh these factors against one another and select the route that will be most consistently quick. That way, not only will our advertised time of arrival be soon, but you can be confident we will actually arrive at that time.
Aiding our ability to plan quick trips over vast differences is the vast ExpeditedFreight.com fleet. We have a wide variety of vehicles at our beck and call, from sprinter vans to various straight trucks to the largest tractor trailers. These vehicles and the drivers that operate them are spread all over the continent; not only are we in virtually every US metropolitan area, but we also have vehicles and personnel in most Mexican and Canadian cities. Thus, when you place an order, we’re likely to have a variety of vehicles no more than a few hours away. We’ll select a vehicle that can carry your whole order in one go without leaving much extra space, so you only pay for space you use. We’ll dispatch it to the starting point, load up your items, and drive straight to Rochester.
As a dedicated trucking company, we never ask you to share payload space with other customers. Instead, we reserve the vehicle for you alone, and don’t send it to anyone else until your goods have reached their destination. This means we can plan the most direct delivery, and have no need to build in time for detours to other clients’ destinations, whether within Rochester or elsewhere. It also means that your goods will be foremost on our minds the entire time, and we won’t stop until they’ve made it to you.
To shore up all these strategies, ExpeditedFreight.com uses advanced tracking equipment to survey our trucks and the roads ahead them at all times. Should a traffic jam, storm, or road closure develop ahead of one of our vehicles, we’ll identify an alternative route the driver can take, and contact them in time to guide them onto that route before they hit the obstacle. This further improves the speed and consistency of our services.
For more on ExpeditedFreight.com or to request a free quote, call us today.