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The Wright Brothers may have flown their first plane in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, but they designed that plane in Dayton, Ohio.

The town has since become a major center of aerospace research and development, along with automotive manufacturing, healthcare, and a myriad of other advanced industries. ExpeditedFreight.com supports these industries by providing safe, smooth, and speedy expedited shipping services. With our help, Dayton can continue bringing the United States to new heights of technological advancement.

Expedited Delivery Service in Dayton, Ohio

Expedited Freight Dayton Dayton’s many advanced industries require a constant stream of supplies. The many Honda auto manufacturing plants in the area, for example, require a variety of tools and parts on a regular basis so that they can build cars safely and efficiently. The same goes for local aerospace research and development operations, which depend on quality supplies in order to make advances in human transportation. Many of these industries also have to ship out finished goods, often sending them to customers outside of Ohio or even in other countries.

Bringing in supplies and sending out finished goods is no easy task, especially given that automotive, aerospace, and other local industries work on tight schedules and cannot afford transit damage. Carriers are thus constantly competing with each other for the roads, while also having to share local highways with the nearly 800,000 people who live in the Dayton metropolitan area. This leads to frequent traffic jams that can delay or even derail deliveries.

ExpeditedFreight.com is committed to keeping your delivery on time and on track.

Call (614) 344-0550

As an expedited freight company with experience supplying countless different industries, we know what it takes to get out of Dayton swiftly and safely:

  • Precise Local Deliveries - Not only do we deliver into and out of Dayton itself, but we also serve its suburbs and satellite towns. These include Lima, Muncie, Greenville, and Middletown.
  • Network Services - We operate a coverage network that includes virtually every metropolis in the United States and Canada. This means that if you’re shipping into Dayton, our teams and trucks can be at your starting point in a matter of hours, cutting down on shipping times. 
  • Planning & Monitoring - We plan each route in detail, finding the quickest way to your destination given traffic, weather, road quality, and physical distance. We then proceed to monitor your truck with advanced tracking technology. At the first sign that your delivery is going to be late, we adjust the route, contact the driver, and keep delays to a minimum.
  • Customer Service - Not only does our tracking technology help us keep your delivery on schedule, but it lets us update you on your truck’s location and likely arrival time. You can get all this information, along with answers to your questions and free quotes for future orders, by calling our 24/7 customer support line.

ExpeditedFreight.com | Dayton, OH

Expedited Freight Dayton Ohio

For more information on trucking in Dayton and all over Ohio, contact ExpeditedFreight.com today.

Call (614) 344-0550