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Located in northwest Ohio near the Michigan border, Toledo is a cross between big city and small town.

Roughly 600,000 people live in the city and its surrounding metropolitan area, where they participate in local healthcare, financial services and advanced manufacturing industries. ExpeditedFreight.com is committed to bolstering this promising and prosperous local economy. As an expedited freight company that operates all over the United States and Canada, we keep Toledo connected to the rest of the continent, providing the supplies and delivery services to help it thrive.

Expedited Freight Services in Toledo, Ohio

Expedited Freight Toledo Toledo’s success depends on a range of different industries, all of which bolster each other and serve as sources of wealth and employment. The local automotive industry, for example, provides more than 45,000 jobs in the region, as well as continuous investment.

The technology and business that this industry provides in turn bolsters other industries, such as clean energy investments, healthcare services, and education. Together, these fields provide a basis for economic growth.

ExpeditedFreight.com is acutely aware of not only these opportunities, but also the challenges that come with them. Carriers often have trouble meeting the heavy supply and delivery needs of their Toledo clients, especially when serving automotive producers and other businesses that need delicate inputs on difficult schedules. We have the expertise and resources to resolve this dilemma.

Call (419) 951-0050

In particular, ExpeditedFreight.com offers:

  • Extensive Coverage - Toledo depends on supplies brought in from distant parts of the United States, as well as from Canada. We have vehicles and coverage in major metropolitan areas all over these countries. That means as soon as you place an order, we can send a truck or van directly to the starting point. This lets us load your order within two hours before heading directly for you.
  • Precise Deliveries - Besides shipping from any part of the country, we deliver to each section of the Toledo metropolitan area. This includes Toledo proper, Mansfield, Fremont, Lima, Sylvania, and Fort Wayne.
  • Dedicated Shipping - When you trust us with your cargo, we devote a vehicle to carry it alone. This way, you won’t have to wait for us to reach other destinations before we deliver your items. This dedicated shipping strategy also helps us accommodate storage equipment that keeps your items in good condition, no matter how perishable they are or how bumpy the road.
  • Quality Planning - While we’re prepared for bumpy roads, along with blocked traffic, harsh weather, and other contingencies, we avoid these issues whenever possible. By planning our routes carefully before we hit the road, we steer clear of every obstacle or source of delay, all while finding the shortest viable route between your starting point and your destination. Once a plan is in place, we send the vehicle out and track it along the way, looking ahead to see if any new obstacles arrive. If they do, we contact the driver and guide them onto a new route, keeping your goods on track.

ExpeditedFreight.com | Toledo, OH

Expedited Freight Toledo Ohio

To learn more about expedited shipping in Toledo or get a free quote for your deliveries, contact ExpeditedFreight.com today.

Call (419) 951-0050