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Spokane Shipping: Emergency Solutions From The Premier Expedited Freight Company Spokane

With a metropolitan population of more than half a million, Spokane is the economic and cultural center of eastern Washington. The city has become a hub for every manner of advanced business field, from aerospace engineering to information technology to clean tech. This eclectic mix of industries has allowed it to have an enormous influence over not just the Pacific Northwest, but all of the United States and nearby Canada as well. But such an important economic role is sure to come with shipping challenges.

Expedited Freight Spokane, Washington

ExpeditedFreight.com is up to any and all challenges. As a premier emergency shipping company with a long history in Washington, we know exactly the logical difficulties that Spokane businesses face, as well as what it takes to overcome those issues. No matter what problems you’re facing, our expedited delivery Spokane team is always available to pick up the slack and get you back on track.

ExpeditedFreight.com understands the challenges that Spokane’s manufacturers, tech developers, and other advanced companies face. When you’re at the cutting edge of a dynamic industry, it’s necessary to get the best possible resources from every corner of the country. The result is long supply lines, which can be easily disrupted by weather, road damage, traffic, or any number of other obstacles. To minimize these risks and keep themselves thriving under all circumstances, Spokane’s businesses need easy access to a flexible expedited freight company.

Call (206) 673-2900

This longstanding service leaves us prepared to meet the area’s needs through:

  • Dedicated Trucking— ExpeditedFreight.com begins each order by assigning a vehicle to carry your goods and your goods alone. This dedicated trucking commitment ensures that you don’t have to wait for us to deliver some other customers’ goods before we can get to you. It also allows us to avoid taking detours— since you’re our only destination, we can select the most consistently quick route to your destination without any other considerations. When selecting the truck to serve you, we choose from a wide range of vehicles, including sprinter vans, straight trucks and trailers. We pick the vehicle that most closely matches your volume of goods, so that you won’t have to pay for truckbed space unless it’s space you use.
  • North American Networking— Unlike other expedited freight Spokane companies, ExpeditedFreight.com doesn’t have to “drive out” to your starting point when you place an emergency order. That’s because we’re already there— indeed, we’re pretty much everywhere on the continent! We have vehicles and personnel stationed all over the United States, Mexico, and Canada. When you place an order, we’ll select the vehicle that’s closest to your starting point and load your goods in just two hours. We’ll then head straight for your destination, traveling as fast as we legally can so that your shipping needs are met as soon as possible.
  • Team Driving— ExpeditedFreight.com has assembled a network of the best drivers in the business, making sure each one is skilled, safe, and swift. We send these drivers out in teams of two, with instructions to switch equitably between work and sleep. This team driving strategy means we’re able to keep our trucks on the road day and night, so you can get your goods faster without any unnecessary risks. It also means that if any problem should arise on the way, we’ll have two people there to deal with it, allowing us to resolve it quickly and get back on the road.
  • Planning & Tracking— ExpeditedFreight.com plans out every journey in detail, selecting routes based not just on their directness, but also on their minimal risk of delay. But no matter how carefully one plans, there’s always a possibility that weather, traffic, or some other problem could disrupt a shipment. We prepare for this possibility by investing in quality tracking equipment, which our offices use to keep an eye on our vehicles while they’re on the way. That way, if an obstacle should arise between our vehicle and your destination, we’ll know immediately and can find an alternate route for the vehicle.
  • Customer Commitments— We make a point to get to know each of our customers in depth, so that we fully understand their logistical and other needs. We’re also committed to staying in contact with you throughout the delivery process. Whether you have questions about your current order or want to inquire about a new one, all you have to do is call (800) 704-0828.

ExpeditedFreight.com | Spokane, WA

Expedited Freight Spokane Washington

Don’t leave your supply lines to chance. For more information on expedited shipping in Spokane, in Washington, or anywhere in North America, contact ExpeditedFreight.com today.

Call (206) 673-2900

Expedited Freight Locations for Washington: