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"What city is most important to the American auto industry?"

Most people probably think the answer is Detroit or Flint, where the bulk of American cars are made. But automotive testing is every bit as important as manufacturing, because without good testing, there’s no way to make safe cars. Laredo, Texas has risen to prominence as a center of auto testing, thanks to its status as the site of a quality surface and track facility. This allows the city to play a critical role in modern automotive production, bolstering its economy and its national influence. ExpeditedFreight.com makes sure Laredo has all the necessary supplies for this facility and other critical enterprises.

Expedited Trucking in Laredo, Texas

Expedited Freight Laredo Like any part of the automotive industry, vehicle testing depends on quality supplies. Thus for Laredo to continue its valuable automotive research, it needs to bring in surface materials, measuring devices, and other supplies from distant locations. It must also ship in a host of consumer goods so its thriving retail sector can keep expanding. Combined with the daily driving needs of the 250,000 people living in and around the city, this is a recipe for severe traffic congestion.

ExpeditedFreight.com delivers to and from Laredo on time, regardless of this congestion. As an express trucking company with a focus on the automotive industry, we have the equipment and expertise to deliver all of the items that the city’s testing facility need, along with any other critical inputs. We also ship finished goods out of the city, so that local businesses have no trouble selling to customers in any location.

The secret to ExpeditedFreight.com's successful shipping lies in careful planning. Whenever we have to deliver into or out of Laredo, we study all the routes that connect our starting point to our destination. We then research weather, traffic, and other factors, and determine which route will have the fewest hazards and the lowest risk of delays. By taking all of this into account, we are able to deliver quickly and consistently, and we avoid any damage to your inventory.

Call (956) 391-1700

Besides planning, ExpeditedFreight.com benefits from a vast network of vehicles and coverage, which extends through all major cities in the United States and Mexico.

  • Thanks to this network, no matter where you’re shipping from, we can load your goods in just two hours and head straight for Laredo. By the same token, if you’re shipping from Laredo, we’ll have personnel and equipment waiting at your destination to unload your items quickly and safely.
  • ExpeditedFreight.com invests in the best possible personnel, only working with drivers who demonstrate a commitment to quality, care, and courtesy. We team these drivers up, sending them in twos so that they have a chance to rest on the way without needing to stop the truck. In this way, we uphold the highest standards of speed without ever skimping on safety.

ExpeditedFreight.com | Laredo, TX

Expedited Freight Laredo Texas

ExpeditedFreight.com delivers to and from any location in Laredo, as well as in nearby communities like San Antonio, Harlingen, Corpus Christi, and McAllen. For more information or to request a free quote, call us today.

Call (956) 391-1700